b) why are you removing the essay once the person is accepted? The point of saving them was to be able to return to them after the person is a member. Or am I confused?
I'm removing the essay in the ApprovedDeleteMember function , which means the essay is removed once a member is removed from the list. We are definitely able to return them after a person is a member.
I've removed these 3 lines from DlistUtils.py :
if essay == None:
syslog( 'info', 'No essay provided')
return None
This was mainly for my understanding.
In MailList.py
essayObj= DlistUtils. Essay(self)
essayObj. RemoveEssay( emailaddr)
a) why are these two adjacent lines at different indentation levels?
They are not at two different levels. If you browse the code in my branch --> http:// bazaar. launchpad. net/~stylistica /systers/ SaveEssay/ view/head: /Mailman/ MailList. py , they are at the same indentation. I'm not sure why the diff appears so.
b) why are you removing the essay once the person is accepted? The point of saving them was to be able to return to them after the person is a member. Or am I confused?
I'm removing the essay in the ApprovedDeleteM ember function , which means the essay is removed once a member is removed from the list. We are definitely able to return them after a person is a member.