
Created by Ugo and last modified
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Shadow Robot
sr ROS interface

Recent revisions

405. By Toni Oliver

Added clean biotac model for motor and muscle hand.

404. By Ugo

Added a simple curses temperature monitor for the motors.

403. By Ugo


402. By Ugo

fixing joint state order in joint spline trajectory controller

401. By Ugo

updated rosdep to work for ubuntu

400. By Ugo

desactivating tests for sr_mechanism_controllers, weird errors but the controllers are working

399. By Ugo

fixed test (failing due to taking too long)

398. By Ugo

updated changelog and release version number

397. By Ugo

Created a new cpp library to allow to send targets to both CAN and ethercat hand, with any controllers running. sr_move_arm/hand_posture_execution is now using this library. Adapted reactive_grasp to use the shadowhand_ros.py library instead of publishing directly the commands. This allows to use the ethercat hand without launching the separate compatibility node.

396. By Toni Oliver

Update params in param server when changing controller parameters. Solvied the waiting calib problem.

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Branch format 7
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Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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