
Created by Toni Oliver and last modified
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Branch information

Shadow Robot
Shadow Robot's ROS interface, EtherCAT version

Recent revisions

550. By Toni Oliver

Add new tactile sensor type

549. By Ugo Cupcic <ugo@ugo-work>

release 1.0.0

548. By Ugo

modified mainpages / manifests / ... for cleaner doc

547. By Mark Addison <email address hidden>

Adapt sr_edc.launch to take into account BIOTAC_HAND variable.

546. By Ugo Cupcic <email address hidden>

using a lowpass filter instead of an alpha beta filter

545. By Toni Oliver

Make-release motor firmware and palm protocol.

544. By hand <hand@hand>

Corrections to be able to use PWM_CONTROL environment variable tos start the driver in PWM mode.

543. By Ugo

added support for three finger hands

542. By Ugo

New feature: start hand in PWM by default using an env variable (PWM_CONTROL) set from sr_config, if the variable is not set, starting in TORQUE

541. By Ugo

The configs are in a separate repo: lp:sr-config.

This makes it possible for the user to modify the config (calibrations / controllers / etc...), without having any problems upgrading the code as they are now separated.

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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This branch contains Public information 
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