
Created by Toni Oliver and last modified
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Branch information

Shadow Robot
Shadow Robot's ROS interface, EtherCAT version

Recent revisions

565. By Toni Oliver

Load default pos controller params depending on env var PWM_ON

564. By Toni Oliver

Added thead safe access to the queue in generic updater

563. By Ugo

remapped robot_description to sh_description in robot_state_publisher

562. By Ugo

using sh_description and standard loader instead of robot_description in sr_edc.launch

561. By Ugo

actually publishing the extra message

560. By Ugo

publishing the extra data from the palm (gyro/acc/analog inputs) on a palm_extras topic

559. By Ugo

removed the kinematics from sr_edc.launch: those are started from their own launch file in their package

558. By Ugo

release 1.0.1 - features added: backlash compensation and asynchronous reset

557. By Ugo

asynchronous PID sending when resetting motors

556. By Ugo

setting up the backlash compensation when loading the motor controllers settings

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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This branch contains Public information 
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