Code review comment for lp://staging/~pfalcon/linaro-android-build-tools/lava-update-urls

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Paul Sokolovsky (pfalcon) wrote :

> Thanks for taking on this, Paul.
> I have a single comment, in line 8, we don't want to replace all underscores,
> don't we?
> jenkins_job_name.replace('_', '/', 1)
> should work better. Or do we really want to have job name 'danilo_blah_blah'
> transformed into '~danilo/blah/blah'?

The frontend doesn't allow jobs with '_' at all, but good catch - we for sure don't want path havoc in case manually created job sneaks in.

> Otherwise, this is good to land. We still have to make this script executed
> AFTER the build is published. Perhaps we can do that using another SSH script
> execution (maybe even by SSHing back to the jenkins master) and passing all
> the needed data as parameters. It would be better, of course, if we can
> somehow add a post-SSH step.

Ok, this is just minimal changes to revamp LAVA integration as it was. If we want to go further, let's do that as next steps. The problem, as I mentioned is parameter passing - there're some params in build config which are passed to LAVA, and previously there was no positive indication that publisher steps in Jenkins can access that (but worth re-checking).

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