So the tests show failure because more than one new event page is found. Only one page is visible, but this still seems a bit weird to me. Note one is inside MonthView, while the other is on the page stack. Full log is here:
So the tests show failure because more than one new event page is found. Only one page is visible, but this still seems a bit weird to me. Note one is inside MonthView, while the other is on the page stack. Full log is here: http:// paste.ubuntu. com/9221454/.
First NewEvent Object
== /comubuntucalen dar/QQuickView/ MainView/ OrientationHelp er/QQuickItem/ QQuickItem/ PageStack/ PageWrapper/ Tabs/QQuickItem /Tab/QQuickLoad er/MonthView/ QQuickRectangle /QQuickLoader/ NewEvent == 'QQuickLoader_ QML_2') , dbus.String( 'QQmlBind' ), dbus.String( 'QQuickItem_ QML_21' ), dbus.String( 'QQmlComponentA ttached' ), dbus.String( 'QQuickLoader' ), dbus.String( 'Object_ QMLTYPE_ 3_QML_32' ), dbus.String( 'PageHeadConfig uration_ QMLTYPE_ 5'), dbus.String( 'Object_ QMLTYPE_ 3_QML_78' ), dbus.String( 'QDeclarativeOr ganizerItemVisu alReminder' ), dbus.String( 'QDeclarativeOr ganizerItemAudi bleReminder' ), dbus.String( 'QQuickProperty Animation' ), dbus.String( 'QQmlComponent' ), dbus.String( 'EventUtils_ QMLTYPE_ 151'), dbus.String( 'QQuickFlickabl e_QML_158' ), dbus.String( 'KeyboardRectan gle_QMLTYPE_ 111'), dbus.String( 'QObject_ QML_160' ), dbus.String( 'QQuickKeysAtta ched'), dbus.String( 'QQmlContext' ), dbus.String( 'QQuickLoader_ QML_2') , dbus.String( 'QQuickItem_ QML_21' ), dbus.String( 'QQuickLoader' ), dbus.String( 'QQuickFlickabl e_QML_158' ), dbus.String( 'KeyboardRectan gle_QMLTYPE_ 111')]
Children: [dbus.String(
__isPageTreeNode: True
_autopilot_id: 13
active: False
activeFocus: False
activeFocusOnPress: True
activeFocusOnTab: False
antialiasing: False
baselineOffset: 0.0
clip: False
date: DateTime(2014-11-24 17:02:42)
enabled: True
endDate: DateTime(2014-11-24 18:02:42)
focus: False
globalRect: Rectangle(1275, 1400, 800, 568)
height: 568.0
id: 13
implicitHeight: 0.0
implicitWidth: 0.0
isEdit: False
isLeaf: True
objectName: 'newEventPage'
opacity: 1.0
rotation: 0.0
scale: 1.0
scrollY: -0.0
smooth: True
startDate: DateTime(2014-11-24 17:02:42)
state: ''
title: 'New Event'
transformOrigin: 4
visible: False
width: 800.0
x: 0.0
y: 0.0
z: 0.0
And the second NewEvent object
== /comubuntucalen dar/QQuickView/ MainView/ OrientationHelp er/QQuickItem/ QQuickItem/ PageStack/ PageWrapper/ NewEvent == 'QQuickLoader_ QML_2') , dbus.String( 'QQmlBind' ), dbus.String( 'QQuickItem_ QML_21' ), dbus.String( 'QQmlComponentA ttached' ), dbus.String( 'QQuickLoader' ), dbus.String( 'Object_ QMLTYPE_ 3_QML_32' ), dbus.String( 'PageHeadConfig uration_ QMLTYPE_ 5'), dbus.String( 'Object_ QMLTYPE_ 3_QML_78' ), dbus.String( 'QDeclarativeOr ganizerItemVisu alReminder' ), dbus.String( 'QDeclarativeOr ganizerItemAudi bleReminder' ), dbus.String( 'QQuickProperty Animation' ), dbus.String( 'QQmlComponent' ), dbus.String( 'EventUtils_ QMLTYPE_ 151'), dbus.String( 'QQuickFlickabl e_QML_158' ), dbus.String( 'KeyboardRectan gle_QMLTYPE_ 111'), dbus.String( 'QObject_ QML_160' ), dbus.String( 'QQuickKeysAtta ched'), dbus.String( 'QQuickLoader_ QML_2') , dbus.String( 'QQuickItem_ QML_21' ), dbus.String( 'QQuickLoader' ), dbus.String( 'QQuickFlickabl e_QML_158' ), dbus.String( 'KeyboardRectan gle_QMLTYPE_ 111')]
Children: [dbus.String(
__isPageTreeNode: True
_autopilot_id: 14
active: True
activeFocus: False
activeFocusOnPress: True
activeFocusOnTab: False
antialiasing: False
baselineOffset: 0.0
clip: False
date: DateTime(2014-11-24 17:02:42)
enabled: True
endDate: DateTime(2014-11-24 18:02:42)
focus: False
globalRect: Rectangle(1275, 760, 800, 640)
height: 640.0
id: 14
implicitHeight: 0.0
implicitWidth: 0.0
isEdit: False
isLeaf: True
objectName: 'newEventPage'
opacity: 1.0
rotation: 0.0
scale: 1.0
scrollY: -72.0
smooth: True
startDate: DateTime(2014-11-24 17:02:42)
state: ''
title: 'New Event'
transformOrigin: 4
visible: True
width: 800.0
x: 0.0
y: 0.0
z: 0.0