I applied this patch to my local system, and the python-cheetah build does create the .deb correctly now, but update-python-modules does not seem to byte compile the modules for python2.7 during postinst.
I will attach the output of running 'update-python-modules --verbose -f' to the bug report. Here is an ls of /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6 vs. /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7:
I applied this patch to my local system, and the python-cheetah build does create the .deb correctly now, but update- python- modules does not seem to byte compile the modules for python2.7 during postinst.
I will attach the output of running 'update- python- modules --verbose -f' to the bug report. Here is an ls of /usr/lib/ pymodules/ python2. 6 vs. /usr/lib/ pymodules/ python2. 7:
clint@ubuntu: /mnt/clint/ merges/ cheetah- deb/cheetah- 2.4.3$ ls /usr/lib/ pymodules/ python2. 6 index-0. 39.egg- info deb822.pyc M2Crypto- 0.20.1. egg-info parsedatetime rrdtool.so 0.8.7.egg- info simplejson extensions- 0.1.egg- info pssh-2.1.1.egg-info simplejson- 2.1.1.egg- info 0.6.2.egg- info markdown pychart SOAPpy- 0.12.0. egg-info 0.7.2.egg- info Markdown- 2.0.3.egg- info PyChart- 1.39.egg- info stdeb 2.4.3.egg- info fpconst.py mercurial pygments stdeb-0. 6.0.egg- info 1.6.4.egg- info Pygments- 1.3.1.egg- info twisted dev_tools- 0.104.egg- info 4.7.2.egg- info GnuPGInterface- 0.3.2-py2. 6.egg-info MoinMoin pygtk.py ubuntutools exceptions. py pyOpenSSL- 0.10.egg- info validate.pyc exceptions. pyc py_rrdtool- 0.2.1.egg- info wadllib 1.2.2.egg- info python_ debian- 0.1.16ubuntu1. egg-info wadllib- 1.1.4.egg- info libgearman- 0.13.2. egg-info werkzeug 0.6.2.egg- info bindings. so launchpadlib- 1.6.2.egg- info paramiko reportbug- 4.12.6ubuntu1. egg-info ZooKeeper- 0.4.egg- info 1.7.6-py2. 6.egg-info rrdtool_d.so zookeeper.so /mnt/clint/ merges/ cheetah- deb/cheetah- 2.4.3$ ls /usr/lib/ pymodules/ python2. 7 index-0. 39.egg- info deb822.py GnuPGInterface.pyc moin-1.9.3.egg-info PyChart- 1.39.egg- info stdeb-0. 6.0.egg- info dev_tools- 0.104.egg- info 1.3.1.egg- info ubuntutools 1.7.6-py2. 6.egg-info python_ debian- 0.1.16ubuntu1. egg-info validate.py 0.7.2.egg- info launchpadlib- 1.6.2.egg- info parsedatetime reportbug validate.pyc 2.4.3.egg- info fpconst.py markdown parsedatetime- 0.8.7.egg- info reportbug- 4.12.6ubuntu1. egg-info wadllib 4.7.2.egg- info fpconst.pyc Markdown- 2.0.3.egg- info pssh-2.1.1.egg-info SOAPpy wadllib- 1.1.4.egg- info 0.3.2-py2. 6.egg-info mercurial psshlib SOAPpy- 0.12.0. egg-info werkzeug 1.6.4.egg- info pychart stdeb Werkzeug- 0.6.2.egg- info
axi debian magic_d.so parsedatetime-
boto debian_bundle Magic_file_
boto-1.9b.egg-info dulwich magic.so psshlib SOAPpy
cairo dulwich-
Cheetah fpconst-
clb fpconst.pyc mercurial-
clb-0.4.1.egg-info gearman moin-1.9.3.egg-info pygtk.pth ubuntu_
configobj.py GnuPGInterface.py MySQLdb pygtk.pyc validate.py
configobj.pyc GnuPGInterface.pyc _mysql_
dbus gtk-2.0 _mysql_
dbus_bindings.py hgext MySQL_python-
dbus_bindings.pyc jabberbot _mysql.so python_
_dbus_bindings.so launchpadlib OpenSSL reportbug Werkzeug-
deb822.py M2Crypto paramiko-
axi deb822.pyc hgext MoinMoin pygments ubuntu_
boto debian jabberbot paramiko Pygments-
boto-1.9b.egg-info debian_bundle launchpadlib paramiko-
Cheetah fpconst-
configobj.py GnuPGInterface-
configobj.pyc GnuPGInterface.py mercurial-