Merge lp://staging/~barry/ubuntu/natty/python-support/py27 into lp://staging/ubuntu/natty/python-support

Proposed by Barry Warsaw
Status: Merged
Merge reported by: Scott Kitterman
Merged at revision: not available
Proposed branch: lp://staging/~barry/ubuntu/natty/python-support/py27
Merge into: lp://staging/ubuntu/natty/python-support
Diff against target: 43 lines (+9/-3)
3 files modified
debian/changelog (+6/-0) (+1/-1)
tests/ (+2/-2)
To merge this branch: bzr merge lp://staging/~barry/ubuntu/natty/python-support/py27
Reviewer Review Type Date Requested Status
Clint Byrum (community) Needs Fixing
Matthias Klose Pending
Ubuntu branches Pending
Review via email:

Description of the change

Add Python 2.7 support.

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Revision history for this message
Clint Byrum (clint-fewbar) wrote :
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I applied this patch to my local system, and the python-cheetah build does create the .deb correctly now, but update-python-modules does not seem to byte compile the modules for python2.7 during postinst.

I will attach the output of running 'update-python-modules --verbose -f' to the bug report. Here is an ls of /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6 vs. /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7:

clint@ubuntu:/mnt/clint/merges/cheetah-deb/cheetah-2.4.3$ ls /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6
apt_xapian_index-0.39.egg-info deb822.pyc M2Crypto-0.20.1.egg-info parsedatetime
axi debian parsedatetime-0.8.7.egg-info simplejson
boto debian_bundle Magic_file_extensions-0.1.egg-info pssh-2.1.1.egg-info simplejson-2.1.1.egg-info
boto-1.9b.egg-info dulwich psshlib SOAPpy
cairo dulwich-0.6.2.egg-info markdown pychart SOAPpy-0.12.0.egg-info
Cheetah fpconst-0.7.2.egg-info Markdown-2.0.3.egg-info PyChart-1.39.egg-info stdeb
Cheetah-2.4.3.egg-info mercurial pygments stdeb-0.6.0.egg-info
clb fpconst.pyc mercurial-1.6.4.egg-info Pygments-1.3.1.egg-info twisted
clb-0.4.1.egg-info gearman moin-1.9.3.egg-info pygtk.pth ubuntu_dev_tools-0.104.egg-info
configobj-4.7.2.egg-info GnuPGInterface-0.3.2-py2.6.egg-info MoinMoin ubuntutools MySQLdb pygtk.pyc
configobj.pyc GnuPGInterface.pyc pyOpenSSL-0.10.egg-info validate.pyc
dbus gtk-2.0 _mysql_exceptions.pyc py_rrdtool-0.2.1.egg-info wadllib hgext MySQL_python-1.2.2.egg-info python_debian-0.1.16ubuntu1.egg-info wadllib-1.1.4.egg-info
dbus_bindings.pyc jabberbot python_libgearman-0.13.2.egg-info werkzeug launchpadlib OpenSSL reportbug Werkzeug-0.6.2.egg-info launchpadlib-1.6.2.egg-info paramiko reportbug-4.12.6ubuntu1.egg-info ZooKeeper-0.4.egg-info ...


review: Needs Fixing
Revision history for this message
Barry Warsaw (barry) wrote :

Okay, I built python-support with py2.7 enabled in the ~pythoneers ppa, then I built the latest cheetah in a dependent ppa. I installed both on a natty VM and afaict, everything worked as expected. 'import Cheetah' worked for both python2.6 and python2.7, gave expected paths, and update-python-modules seemed to work too. I am going to find a sponsor to upload the new python-support and python-central. We'll fix failures as we go.

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