- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp://staging/~jfb-tempo-consulting/unifield-wm/sync-bar
Branch merges
Branch information
Recent revisions
- 615. By jftempo
US-703 [IMP] Sync server: remove puller
US-703 [IMP] Split data pulled ids
SP-190 [IMP] Data push: do not browse all records
SP-199 [IMP] Do not send multi delete updates for the same record
US-684 [IMP] Close and remove cursor used by sync process
Us-684 [IMP] Don't load db dump file in memorylp:~unifield-team/unifield-wm/us-703-sync-qt
Changes in sync_server.
sync_rule. csv:
remove duplicated rule to generate delete updates on:
- account.target. costcenter #107, done @rule #113
- res.currency.rate #128, done @rule #106
- cost.center.distribution. line #202 and #203, done @rule #201
- funding.pool.distributi on.line #211, done @rule #210
- account.cashbox. line #404, done @rule #402
- account.move.line #417, done @rule #412
- account.analytic. line #421 and #422, done @rule #420
- financing.contract. format #450, done @rule @451
- financing.contract. format. line #457, done @rule #452
- supplier.catalogue #655, done @rule #650
- supplier.catalogue. line #656, done @rule #655 - 613. By jftempo
SP-206 [IMP] Add master date on sync rules, on the 1st sync get only updates related to master data
Changes in rules:
- set master_data=True on all rules - 612. By jftempo
SP-215 [FIX] Sync server rules import: do not inactive changed rules
lp:~fabien-morin/unifield-wm/sync-sp-215-fm - 610. By jftempo
US-702 [FIX] RW menu settings, Added the OUT from scratch from RW to CP
US-327 [FIX] RW: fix duplicate INT at CP after a partial or full reception
US-379 [FIX] PO/FO: fixed the price list retrievalChanges in message rules:
- RW USB_create_partial_ int_moves: domain already_ replicated= False added #2021
- RW USB_replicate_out ignore draft stock.picking #2030
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
- Stacked on:
- lp://staging/unifield-wm