- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp://staging/~fabien-morin/unifield-wm/sync-sp-215-fm
Branch merges
- UniField Sync Reviewer: Pending requested
Diff: 253 lines (+95/-24)3 files modifiedmsf_sync_data_server/__openerp__.py (+1/-1)
sync_server/rules.py (+74/-23)
sync_server/rules_view.xml (+20/-0)
Branch information
Recent revisions
- 610. By Fabien MORIN
SP-215 [FIX] revert previous commit for a better solution
Now the status is checked at validate_rules method. If a rule has status='invalid' validate_rule will raise an error - 609. By Fabien MORIN
SP-215 [FIX] set active to False in case status is invalid.
This was already made impossible in the user interface but not in the code.
In case of import, it was possible to import a ligne with status=invalid which
would result in an active invalide rule. This is not possible anymore. - 607. By jftempo
SP-215 [IMP] Sync server rules: do not invalide rule on import, check rule syntax on import (create + write)
Change rule search view - 606. By jftempo
US-332 [IMP] New field msfid on product.category and product.
nomenclature Changes in rules:
- field msfid synced on product.category and product.nomenclature (#520, #530, #1620, #1630) - 605. By jftempo
[MERGE] US-643 Seng msg to cancel simple OUT, only if the OUT is not synchronized, do not sync canceled batch number
SP-210 sync rule #129 on Period states: use xmlid to get period and instance - 604. By jftempo
[MERGE] uf1.0-6p1
US-620 [FIX] Do not stop the sync process if a message fails due to a python constraint, commit each executed message
US-416 [FIX] Issue to cancel a Pick line: generate sync messages when the stock picking or stock move are canceled - 602. By jftempo
US-287 [FIX] RW import zip: adjust limit to read big csv file + load file in background after 10 minutes
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
- Stacked on:
- lp://staging/unifield-wm