
Created by Quentin THEURET @Amaris and last modified
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UniField Dev Team

Recent revisions

615. By Quentin THEURET @Amaris

US-703 [IMP] Improve the memory usage when the data is pulled

614. By Quentin THEURET @Amaris

US-703 [IMP] Use offset to manage export data in sync. engine

613. By jftempo

SP-199 [IMP] Improve sync process: list comprehension
SP-199 [IMP] Send only one delete update by record
SP-190 [IMP] Search for last modified records and then check if domain match
SP-190 [IMP] Do not browse all records to compute delete updates

Changes in sync_server.sync_rule.csv:
remove duplicated rule to generate delete updates on:
    - account.target.costcenter #107, done @rule #113
    - res.currency.rate #128, done @rule #106
    - cost.center.distribution.line #202 and #203, done @rule #201
    - funding.pool.distribution.line #211, done @rule #210
    - account.cashbox.line #404, done @rule #402
    - account.move.line #417, done @rule #412
    - account.analytic.line #421 and #422, done @rule #420
    - financing.contract.format #450, done @rule @451
    - financing.contract.format.line #457, done @rule #452
    - supplier.catalogue #655, done @rule #650
    - supplier.catalogue.line #656, done @rule #655


612. By jftempo

SP-199 [IMP] Sync server: do not compute max_size updates to send fewer updates

611. By jftempo

US-684 [IMP] Close and remove cursor used by sync process

610. By jftempo

US-684 [IMP] Don't load dump file in memory

609. By jftempo

US-643 [FIX] Seng msg to cancel simple OUT, only if the OUT is not synchronized, do not sync canceled batch number

Changes in sync_server.message_rule.csv:
  - domain changed on cancel_stock_move_at_coordo_cancels_in_at_project (#24)

608. By jftempo

SP-210 US-624 [FIX] sync rule #129 on Period states: use xmlid to get period and instance

607. By jftempo

US-620 [FIX] Do not stop the sync process if a message fails due to a python constraint, commit each executed message

606. By jftempo

US-620 [FIX] If the FO type is donation or loan, then remove the analytic distribution
lp:~unifield-team/unifield-wm/sync-us_484_rules revno 605, 606

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