Code review comment for lp://staging/~widelands-dev/widelands/new-tutorials

Revision history for this message
wl-zocker (wl-zocker) wrote :

The missing panel: The following happened once while testing:
I built the first quarry. At this very moment, the check "if wl.ui.MapView().is_building_road" happened, which was false at that time. Then, the game got control and entered the road building mode (as I had set in the options). My script now attempted to click on the flag to start road building manually, but was presented with the "Cancel road" menu. In this menu, it tried to click on "Start road building", which failed.
I have added this check to deal more cleverly with the option the user can set (wasn't there some discussion about removing it?). For now, I sleep additional 100 ms and hope this is fixed.

1) bzr move: I did bzr mv the old tutorial to 01_Basic_control because most parts came from there. If bazaar can put two files together/split a file in two and keeping the history, that would be great, but I do not know such a feature.
2) As I wrote, the "Connect quarry" objective is achived after both quarries are completed. I am not really happy with this, but the only other possibility is to set this done after a certain amount of time. I have no information about the construction site (its progress).
3) Crash with cs.fields[1]: Both construction sites have their own "local cs" variable, so I have no idea how they shall interact (the cs.fields[1] refers to the first construction site). I have been able to reproduce it, but after some code changing, it did not always happen. My only idea was that the construction site was finished in meantime, but when I tried to reproduce it, I got "MapObject no longer exists!" (and not BaseImmovable). I now pass first_quarry_field to the function. Thinking about it, I could also hardcode it there and do not pass anything at all.

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