Code review comment for lp://staging/~widelands-dev/widelands/ai_fisher_fix

Revision history for this message
hessenfarmer (stephan-lutz) wrote :

fix is not working. Reason is that the algorithm counts all fish in the working radius, but fishermen only are able to extract the fish from the coast so even if there is no catchable fish at all. AI will (and is doing so in my tests) continue to build fishermen huts. Only thing is they now will be build in a region of 6 around the coast instead of 7 around the coast, cause the first water field had been emptied. So as the current game adds default fish to the maps where no fish is defined, we can't solve it in the editors. best thing would be to check whether there is a walkable and reachable field near the ressource befor considering it to be nearby

review: Needs Fixing

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