Move assignment policy to global env config
Previoysly, each provider defined it's own AssignmentPolicy,
which was hard coded to AssignNew. Now, it's been made an
env setting with default AssignNew. With containers, it will be
possible to add a unit to an existing machine (if not dirty) so
this work is a step in that direction.
Affected files:
A [revision details]
M environs/config/config.go
M environs/config/config_test.go
M environs/dummy/environs.go
M environs/ec2/ec2.go
M environs/ec2/local_test.go
M environs/interface.go
M environs/maas/environ.go
M environs/maas/environ_test.go
M environs/openstack/local_test.go
M environs/openstack/provider.go
M juju/conn.go
M state/assign_test.go
M state/bench_test.go
M state/state.go
M state/unit.go
Reviewers: mp+165983_ code.launchpad. net,
Please take a look.
Move assignment policy to global env config
Previoysly, each provider defined it's own AssignmentPolicy,
which was hard coded to AssignNew. Now, it's been made an
env setting with default AssignNew. With containers, it will be
possible to add a unit to an existing machine (if not dirty) so
this work is a step in that direction.
https:/ /code.launchpad .net/~wallyworl d/juju- core/move- assignment- policy/ +merge/ 165983
Requires: /code.launchpad .net/~wallyworl d/juju- core/add- machine- dirty-flag/ +merge/ 165954
(do not edit description out of merge proposal)
Please review this at https:/ /codereview. appspot. com/9824043/
Affected files: config/ config. go config/ config_ test.go dummy/environs. go ec2/local_ test.go interface. go maas/environ. go maas/environ_ test.go openstack/ local_test. go openstack/ provider. go test.go
A [revision details]
M environs/
M environs/
M environs/
M environs/ec2/ec2.go
M environs/
M environs/
M environs/
M environs/
M environs/
M environs/
M juju/conn.go
M state/assign_
M state/bench_test.go
M state/state.go
M state/unit.go