> > The rootWindow's contentItem is actually an internal item, without size or
> QML Context.
> It's actually documented as the root item. Children are allowed to reparent to
> the contentItem to be inside the window.
> http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qquickwindow.html#contentItem-prop
> > Oh, and copyright is missing from the test QML file :)
> Now that's embarassing 😅 Fixed!
> > The rootWindow's contentItem is actually an internal item, without size or doc.qt. io/qt-5/ qquickwindow. html#contentIte m-prop
> QML Context.
> It's actually documented as the root item. Children are allowed to reparent to
> the contentItem to be inside the window.
> http://
> > Oh, and copyright is missing from the test QML file :)
> Now that's embarassing 😅 Fixed!
All good! Thanks