> The rootWindow's contentItem is actually an internal item, without size or QML Context.
It's actually documented as the root item. Children are allowed to reparent to the contentItem to be inside the window. http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qquickwindow.html#contentItem-prop
> Oh, and copyright is missing from the test QML file :)
Now that's embarassing 😅 Fixed!
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> The rootWindow's contentItem is actually an internal item, without size or QML Context.
It's actually documented as the root item. Children are allowed to reparent to the contentItem to be inside the window. doc.qt. io/qt-5/ qquickwindow. html#contentIte m-prop
> Oh, and copyright is missing from the test QML file :)
Now that's embarassing 😅 Fixed!