- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp://staging/~thomnico/orange-box/mirroring
Branch merges
- Orange Box: Pending requested
Diff: 2111 lines (+431/-684)27 files modifieddebian/changelog (+64/-11)
debian/control (+6/-4)
debian/install (+3/-0)
debian/links (+1/-1)
debian/postinst (+0/-310)
debian/postrm (+0/-23)
debian/preinst (+0/-136)
debian/source/format (+1/-1)
etc/apache2/sites-available/archive.conf (+1/-0)
etc/apt/orange-box-mirror.list (+36/-14)
etc/bind/named.conf.wildcard-archive (+6/-0)
etc/bind/zones.wildcard-archive (+20/-0)
etc/orangebox-mirror.state (+1/-0)
usr/bin/orange-box-add-node (+6/-3)
usr/bin/orange-box-add-physical-nodes (+7/-2)
usr/bin/orange-box-add-virtual-nodes (+24/-12)
usr/bin/orange-box-amt-monitor (+3/-1)
usr/bin/orange-box-apm-power-fix (+0/-38)
usr/bin/orange-box-bootstrap-juju (+5/-1)
usr/bin/orange-box-create-package-mirror (+14/-1)
usr/bin/orange-box-demo-cleanup (+3/-1)
usr/bin/orange-box-hacks (+32/-0)
usr/bin/orange-box-mirror (+165/-0)
usr/bin/orange-box-purge-everything (+1/-0)
usr/bin/orange-box-run (+21/-18)
usr/bin/orange-box-setup-nat (+0/-99)
usr/bin/orange-box-status-all-nodes (+11/-8)
Branch information
Recent revisions
- 529. By Nicolas Thomas
Merged with latest dev (newnet branch)
* Change source/format for bzr-buildpackage to work
* Fix issue with the ssh checking for power management of VMs
* Add biosdevname cmd in scripts
* Add a check/heal for VMs powermanagement ssh keys
[ Nicolas Thomas ]
* Remove synccharmstore etc..
* Adapt a number of changes to network setup etc..
* Assume ob number in preinst and check in postinst in case network is not up
* preinst bridgeutils[ Takenori Matsumoto ]
* usr/bin/orange- box-setup- nat:
- Fix net.ipv4.conf.all. accept_ redirects
* usr/bin/orange- box-add- virtual- node
- Fix Add maas's ssh key into /home/ubuntu/.ssh/authorized _keys so that MAAS can control power via virsh
[ Takenori Matsumoto ]
* Re-write pachtes based on PPA (orange-box_1.89- 0ubuntu1~ trusty. debian. tar.xz, orange- box_1.89. orig.tar. gz) rather than trunk codes
[ takenori ]
* usr/bin/orange- box-add- virtual- nodes:
* usr/bin/orange- box-add- virtual- nodes:
* usr/bin/orange- box-add- virtual- nodes:
* :
[ Dustin Kirkland ]
[ takenori ]
* :removed:
usr/bin/orange- box-apm- power-fix
usr/bin/orange- box-setup- nat
usr/bin/orange- box-hacks
usr/bin/orange- box-setup- nat
debian/source/ format
etc/apt/orange- box-mirror. list
usr/bin/orange- box-add- node
usr/bin/orange- box-add- physical- nodes
usr/bin/orange- box-add- virtual- nodes
usr/bin/orange- box-amt- monitor
usr/bin/orange- box-bootstrap- juju
usr/bin/orange- box-create- package- mirror
usr/bin/orange- box-demo- cleanup
usr/bin/orange- box-purge- everything
usr/bin/orange- box-run
usr/bin/orange- box-status- all-nodes
pending merges:
Nicolas Thomas 2015-06-15 updates on ssh maas to ubuntu automation
Nicolas Thomas 2015-06-15 releasing 2.9~ppa2
Nicolas Thomas 2015-06-15 Update source/format so zbr-buildpackages works
Nicolas Thomas 2015-06-15 releasing 2.9~ppa1
Nicolas Thomas 2015-06-15 releasing 2.8~ppa1
Nicolas Thomas 2015-06-15 * Add biosdevname cmd in scripts
Nicolas Thomas 2015-06-11 releasing 2.8ubuntu1~trusty
Nicolas Thomas 2015-06-11 releasing 2.8~ppa0
Nicolas Thomas 2015-06-11 Fix the maas ssh keygen creation or copy
Nicolas Thomas 2015-06-11 Fix the creation of the etc/orange-box.conf file
Nicolas Thomas 2015-06-11 * Assume ob number in preinst and check in postinst in case network is not up
Nicolas Thomas 2015-06-11 Move MAAS / nmap to predepend as they are used in preinst and that block dpkg -i when developing
Nicolas Thomas 2015-06-11 * Adapt a number of changes to network setup etc..
Nicolas Thomas 2015-06-11 Remove synccharmstore etc..
Nicolas Thomas 2015-06-11 Aligned with Takenori modif made out of bzr.
Nicolas Thomas 2015-06-09 * Testing tomnico ppa
Nicolas Thomas 2015-06-09 :
Nicolas Thomas 2015-06-09 * usr/bin/orange- box-setup- nat:
Nicolas Thomas 2015-04-27 * remove debian/postrm, debian/preinst remove:
Nicolas Thomas 2015-04-27 debian/postrm, debian/preinst remove:
Nicolas Thomas 2015-04-27 * Creating a branch to start the new orangebox setup new stuff.
Darryl Weaver 2015-02-07 Added workaround for bug: https://bugs.launchpad .net/maas/ +bug/1367482 - 528. By Nicolas Thomas
Add missing deb-src and update mirror to ensure correct permissions.
etc/apt/orange- box-mirror. list
usr/bin/orange- box-mirror - 527. By Nicolas Thomas
Commit merged from trunk
etc/apt/orange- box-mirror. list
usr/bin/orange- box-create- package- mirror
pending merges:
Dustin Kirkland 2015-01-21 * etc/apt/orange- box-mirror. list, usr/bin/ orange- box-create- package- - 526. By Nicolas Thomas
Fix the place where the state of mirroring is placed.
etc/orangebox-mirror. state
usr/bin/orange- box-mirror - 523. By Nicolas Thomas
Adding files to allow a full mirroring of archives and local usage by modifying dns.
Resulting in an almost off-line environement if using only packages.added:
etc/bind/named.conf. wildcard- archive
etc/bind/zones.wildcard- archive
usr/bin/orange- box-mirror
etc/apache2/sites-available /archive. conf
etc/apt/orange- box-mirror. list - 520. By Dustin Kirkland
* usr/bin/
orange- box-add- virtual- nodes:
- use ~maas rather than hard coding to /home/maas
+ note that maas 1.7 has created a home directory in /var/lib/maas
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
- Stacked on:
- lp://staging/orange-box