
Created by Dustin Kirkland  and last modified
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Branch information

Orange Box
Orange Box

Recent revisions

534. By Dustin Kirkland 

opening 1.92

533. By Dustin Kirkland 

releasing 1.91

532. By Dustin Kirkland 

No change version bump

531. By Dustin Kirkland 

opening 1.91

530. By Dustin Kirkland 

releasing 1.90

529. By Dustin Kirkland 

* usr/bin/orange-box-add-physical-nodes:
  - only look for 16992 open ports (some may show up as filtered
    if the netmask is not set properly in AMT;

528. By Dustin Kirkland 

* usr/bin/orange-box-add-node:
  - fix zone calculation

527. By Dustin Kirkland 

* usr/bin/orange-box-purge-everything:
  - clear our remmina configuration on purge

526. By Dustin Kirkland 

* debian/postinst, debian/preinst,
  home/ubuntu/.remmina/1397232472197.remmina, usr/bin/orange-box-add-
  node, usr/bin/orange-box-add-physical-nodes, usr/bin/orange-box-amt-
  - add virt-manager icon to the default unity bar on the left
    for easy access to virtual machine consoles
  - put our preinst network testing in a retry loop
  - remove our static remmina configuration and instead generate
    it dynamically when adding the node
  - scan the 10.14.4.* network for AMT 3 times instead of 10
  - scan the 172.27.*.11-19 networks 3 times
  - use an nmap -sS syn scan (faster)
  - use nmap to only look for TCP port open on 16992 when looking
    for AMT nodes
  - use nmap to scan 4096 nodes in parallel (faster)

525. By Dustin Kirkland 

* debian/preinst, usr/bin/orange-box-add-physical-nodes,
  usr/bin/orange-box-add-virtual-nodes, usr/lib/orange-box/inc/common:
  - use the Orange Box hostname to setup an ethernet alias on
    br:2 with 172.27.NN.1
  - scan the right network looking for AMT nodes
  - always append MAAS's public key to authorized_keys; this is
    needed for reinstalls and while noisy, is perfectly safe
  - add a warning function

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
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Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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