Hi Geoff, nice work, I have a few comments but mostly stylistic ones. The changeset is rather large and takes a while to read, please break it down in smaller branches next time (the diff should be ~500 lines).
+it's calls via DBus to the L{ConfigurationMechanism}.
+class RegistrationProxy(object):
It'd be good to add a class docstring for this class.
+class ConfigurationProxyBaseTest(LandscapeTest):
It'd be good to use composition instead of inheritance. The LandscapeTest class has support for "helpers" (sort of plugins/fixtures), you can find some examples in landscape.tests.helpers (see HelperTestCase) and landscape.broker.tests.helpers. We could have landscape.ui.tests.helpers.ConfigurationProxyHelper.
This seems to modify the actual class (without cleaning it in tearDown). Also, you could achieve the same without patching the original class by adding the interface object as parameter:
+ implemented via PolicyKit policy. The use of DBus results from the use of
+ PolicyKit, not the other way around, and is done that way because that is
+ considered to be the Right Thing for Ubuntu Desktop circa January 2012.
Do we really need to pass the config content around? I believe it would suffice to let this class build an empty self.config object and let tests get/set the values they need directly on it. That would reduce the boiler-plate I think.
Hi Geoff, nice work, I have a few comments but mostly stylistic ones. The changeset is rather large and takes a while to read, please break it down in smaller branches next time (the diff should be ~500 lines).
+it's calls via DBus to the L{Configuration Mechanism} .
+class RegistrationPro xy(object) :
It'd be good to add a class docstring for this class.
+class ConfigurationPr oxyBaseTest( LandscapeTest) :
It'd be good to use composition instead of inheritance. The LandscapeTest class has support for "helpers" (sort of plugins/fixtures), you can find some examples in landscape. tests.helpers (see HelperTestCase) and landscape. broker. tests.helpers. We could have landscape. ui.tests. helpers. ConfigurationPr oxyHelper.
+ class MyLandscapeSetu pConfiguration( LandscapeSetupC onfiguration) : config_ filenames = [self.config_ filename] pConfiguration( )
+ default_
+ self.config = MyLandscapeSetu
I *think* you don't need a full subclass for this, just:
self.config = LandscapeSetupC onfiguration( )
self.config. default_ config_ filenames = [self.config_ filename]
+ # from dbus.service.Object which throws a fit it notices you using it
s/it notices/if it notices/ ?
+ ConfigurationPr oxy._setup_ interface = setup_interface oxy()
+ self.proxy = ConfigurationPr
This seems to modify the actual class (without cleaning it in tearDown). Also, you could achieve the same without patching the original class by adding the interface object as parameter:
def __init__(self, interface=None):
self._ interface = interface
self. _bus = dbus.SystemBus()
self. _remote_ object = self._bus. get_object( SERVICE_ NAME, OBJECT_PATH)
self. _interface = dbus.Interface( self._remote_ object, INTERFACE_NAME)
if self._interface is None:
+ implemented via PolicyKit policy. The use of DBus results from the use of
+ PolicyKit, not the other way around, and is done that way because that is
+ considered to be the Right Thing for Ubuntu Desktop circa January 2012.
Nice design defense :)
+ def __init__(self, config, bus_name, bypass=False, conn=None): tionMechanism, self).__init__( dByPolicy,
+ super(Configura
+ OBJECT_PATH, bus_name, PermissionDenie
+ bypass=bypass, conn=conn)
+ self.config = config
I presume self.config could be private (self._config).
+ Test that we can get and set and account name via the configuration
s/and account/an account/
+ self.assertEqua l(self. proxy.account_ name, "foo") account_ name = "bar" l(self. proxy.account_ name, "bar")
+ self.proxy.
+ self.assertEqua
It's probably not strictly needed, but it'd be nice to also assert that the "remote" config object gets actually modified:
self.assertEqua l(self. config. account_ name, "bar")
All the assertions should be inverted, the pattern we adopt is the one recommended by unittest and (xUnit in general afaict):
self.assertEqua l(expected_ value, actual_value)
It's been counter-intuitive for me at start, but I eventually adjusted.
+ def setUp(self, config): tionProxyBaseTe st, self).setUp() filename = self.makeFile( config)
+ super(Configura
+ self.config_
Do we really need to pass the config content around? I believe it would suffice to let this class build an empty self.config object and let tests get/set the values they need directly on it. That would reduce the boiler-plate I think.