Nice work in keeping these branches small, it really helps. +1!
# When re-synchronisation occurs we don't want any previous messages
# being sent to the server, dropping the existing session_ids means
# that messages sent with those IDs will be dropped by the broker.
- self._message_store.drop_session_ids()
+ self._message_store.drop_session_ids(scopes)
Please expand the comment mentioning that only the session IDs for the specified scopes will be dropped (or all of them if scopes is None).
because imo there's less parsing work going on in one's mind when reading the code. This is really minor (and I guess a counter argument could be made), so your call.
This doesn't test which one of the 2 sessions IDs generated the message exactly, it'd be nice to use 2 different message types I guess. Maybe it's not needed from a strict unit-test point of view, since I believe test_drop_multiple_scopes from covers that. Your call.
Nice work in keeping these branches small, it really helps. +1!
# When re-synchronisation occurs we don't want any previous messages store.drop_ session_ ids() store.drop_ session_ ids(scopes)
# being sent to the server, dropping the existing session_ids means
# that messages sent with those IDs will be dropped by the broker.
- self._message_
+ self._message_
Please expand the comment mentioning that only the session IDs for the specified scopes will be dropped (or all of them if scopes is None).
- def get_session_ id(self) : id(self, scope=None):
+ def get_session_
There should be a @param entry for the new parameter, in the method docstring.
- def drop_session_ ids(self, scope=None): ids(self, scopes=None):
+ def drop_session_
Drop all session ids.
Please update the method docstring and document the new parameter.
+ test_session_id = self.successRes ultOf( broker. get_session_ id(scope= "test") )
+ self.client.
Opinionated nitpick: since this is using 2 lines anyways, I find it generally better to split it like this:
deferred = self.client. broker. get_session_ id(scope= "test")
test_session_ id = self.successRes ultOf(deferred)
because imo there's less parsing work going on in one's mind when reading the code. This is really minor (and I guess a counter argument could be made), so your call.
+ global_scope = [] fire("resynchro nize-clients" , global_scope)
+ self.reactor.
This is probably a leftover, you can just:
which defaults to the global scope.
+ self.assertMess ages(messages, [{"type": "empty"}])
This doesn't test which one of the 2 sessions IDs generated the message exactly, it'd be nice to use 2 different message types I guess. Maybe it's not needed from a strict unit-test point of view, since I believe test_drop_ multiple_ scopes from covers that. Your call.