To speed things up a bit, I've pushed a fix for my AttributeError gripes to this MP.
I also noticed that results were being added twice, so I fixed that while I was fixing how the tests injected the data.
The branch could probably do with a test for the previews, but I've had trouble hooking that up right for previews that depend on result.metadata, so I won't complain on that count.
I'm changing my vote to "approve", but I'd appreciate if someone looked over the changes I made.
To speed things up a bit, I've pushed a fix for my AttributeError gripes to this MP.
I also noticed that results were being added twice, so I fixed that while I was fixing how the tests injected the data.
The branch could probably do with a test for the previews, but I've had trouble hooking that up right for previews that depend on result.metadata, so I won't complain on that count.
I'm changing my vote to "approve", but I'd appreciate if someone looked over the changes I made.