I'm using pipelines and dependant branches to keep the merge proposals to managable size. I'm more than happy to handle landing once the merge proposal and all its dependencies have been approved. In case you would rather review everything as one big diff, I've created https://code.launchpad.net/~stub/charms/precise/postgresql/integration/+merge/233666 .
The tests should run, and do run here with lxc. Important points:
- The default juju environment needs to be bootstrapped
- Bad host keys need to be cleaned out of ~/.ssh/known_hosts and ~root/.ssh/known_hosts (per the outstanding juju bugs)
- Strict host key checking needs to be enabled (or SSH implicitly disables port forwarding, which the tests need).
I'm using pipelines and dependant branches to keep the merge proposals to managable size. I'm more than happy to handle landing once the merge proposal and all its dependencies have been approved. In case you would rather review everything as one big diff, I've created https:/ /code.launchpad .net/~stub/ charms/ precise/ postgresql/ integration/ +merge/ 233666 .
The tests should run, and do run here with lxc. Important points: ssh/known_ hosts (per the outstanding juju bugs)
- The default juju environment needs to be bootstrapped
- Bad host keys need to be cleaned out of ~/.ssh/known_hosts and ~root/.
- Strict host key checking needs to be enabled (or SSH implicitly disables port forwarding, which the tests need).