Code review comment for lp://staging/~sophia-wu/opencompute/add-ocp-system-event-log-job

Revision history for this message
Jeff Lane  (bladernr) wrote :

OK, so tarmac tried to merge the code and ran into some conflicts...

First, why did you add a brand new copy of the changelog, or more importantly, how did you manage to do that? You don't need to create a new changelog, simple edit the existing one...

So lets focus on getting this cleared up... do the following:

first, pull a fresh copy of the checkbox code:

bzr branch lp:opencompute/checkbox ocp-checkbox

Next, merge YOUR branch into that:

cd ocp-checkbox
bzr merge lp:~sophia-wu/opencompute/add-ocp-system-event-log-job

And you should see the following:
+N data/whitelists/opencompute-certify-remoteME.whitelist
+N debian/changelog
+N examples/me.cfg
+N jobs/
+N scripts/ipmi_sel_entries
R debian/changelog => debian/changelog.moved
 M debian/checkbox.install
 M debian/checkbox.postinst
 M jobs/
Conflict adding file debian/changelog. Moved existing file to debian/changelog.moved.
Text conflict in jobs/
2 conflicts encountered.

The conflicts are what held this up. So first, fix the changelog. As I mentioned above, for some reason, it thinks you've added a brand new copy of the changelog. So we need to do the following:

cd debian
mv changelog changelog.sophia
mv changelog.moved changelog

then take the stuff you added (the Sophia section of changelog.sophia) and add that to changelog.

then delete changelog.sophia

rm changelog.sophia

Now you should be able to resolve the first conflict:

bzr resolve debian/changelog

which should give you this:
1 conflict resolved, 1 remaining

Now run bzr conflicts to see what's left:
Text conflict in jobs/

So lets now look at jobs/ The conflict is at the end:

<<<<<<< TREE
name: __TC-003-0001-Hardware_Information__
name: __TC-002-0011-System_Log__
plugin: local
<<<<<<< TREE
_description: Verify hardware information
description: System Event Log
<<<<<<< TREE
  shopt -s extglob
  cat $CHECKBOX_SHARE/jobs/TC-003-0001-Hardware_Information.txt?(.in)
 shopt -s extglob
 cat $CHECKBOX_SHARE/jobs/TC-002-0011-System_Log.txt?(.in)


So clean that up to look correct:

name: __TC-001-0002-Platform_Controller_Hub__
plugin: local
_description: Verify platform controller hub functionality
 shopt -s extglob
 cat $CHECKBOX_SHARE/jobs/TC-001-0002-Platform_Controller_Hub.txt?(.in)

name: __TC-002-0011-System_Log__
plugin: local
description: System Event Log
 shopt -s extglob
 cat $CHECKBOX_SHARE/jobs/TC-002-0011-System_Log.txt?(.in)

name: __TC-003-0001-Hardware_Information__
plugin: local
_description: Verify hardware information
 shopt -s extglob
 cat $CHECKBOX_SHARE/jobs/TC-003-0001-Hardware_Information.txt?(.in)

Save and exit that file and run bzr resolve and you should see this:
All conflicts resolved.

then resubmit and I'll approve and get this merged.

review: Needs Fixing

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