
Owned by Lukas Märdian
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Name Last Modified Last Commit
slyon/dgit-vs-devscripts 2023-02-28 17:11:04 UTC
badtest dgit/arm64: denylisted but passed locally

Author: Lukas Märdian
Author Date: 2023-02-28 15:14:57 UTC

badtest dgit/arm64: denylisted but passed locally

dgit 10.7 passed for all achitectures but the denylisted arm64.
I tested the arm64 test on Canonistack LXD (Jammy host, Lunar guest), it
passed (after many hours). I couldn't test the real qemu/nova-ssh setup
as Canonistack doesn't allow for that.


$ sudo autopkgtest dgit -U --apt-pocket=proposed=src:dgit -- lxd autopkgtest/ubuntu/lunar/arm64
autopkgtest [15:27:27]: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ summary
dpkgsourceignores-docs SKIP unknown restriction x-dgit-intree-only
defdistro-dsd-clone-drs SKIP unknown restriction x-dgit-intree-only
dsd-clone-drs SKIP unknown restriction x-dgit-intree-only
hint-testsuite-triggers SKIP unknown restriction hint-testsuite-triggers
build-modes-sbuild SKIP unknown restriction x-dgit-schroot-build
quilt-gbp-build-modes-sbuild SKIP unknown restriction x-dgit-schroot-build
sbuild-gitish SKIP unknown restriction x-dgit-schroot-build
i18n-po4a-uptodate SKIP unknown restriction x-dgit-git-only
package-build SKIP unknown restriction x-dgit-git-only
spelling SKIP unknown restriction x-dgit-git-only
dpkgsourceignores-docs SKIP unknown restriction x-dgit-intree-only
defdistro-dsd-clone-drs SKIP unknown restriction x-dgit-intree-only
dsd-clone-drs SKIP unknown restriction x-dgit-intree-only
hint-testsuite-triggers SKIP unknown restriction hint-testsuite-triggers
build-modes-sbuild SKIP unknown restriction x-dgit-schroot-build
quilt-gbp-build-modes-sbuild SKIP unknown restriction x-dgit-schroot-build
sbuild-gitish SKIP unknown restriction x-dgit-schroot-build
i18n-po4a-uptodate SKIP unknown restriction x-dgit-git-only
package-build SKIP unknown restriction x-dgit-git-only
spelling SKIP unknown restriction x-dgit-git-only
baredebian-multitar PASS
baredebian-plusgit PASS
baredebian-push PASS
baredebian-tarball PASS
build-modes-gbp PASS
clone-reprepro PASS
downstream-gitless FAIL non-zero exit status 16
alternating-dgit PASS
clone-gitnosuite PASS
clone-nogit PASS
clone-skew PASS
drs-clone-nogit PASS
dsd-clone-nogit PASS
ftpmasterapi-http PASS
gdr-import-dgit PASS
gdr-merge-conflicts PASS
gdr-diverge-nmu PASS
gdr-diverge-nmu-dgit PASS
gdr-edits PASS
gdr-fresh PASS
gdr-import-dgitview PASS
gdr-import-nostitch PASS
gdr-makepatches7 PASS
gdr-merge PASS
gdr-subcommands PASS
gdr-unprocessable PASS
gdr-unprocessable-hints PASS
gitattributes PASS
gdr-newupstream PASS
gdr-viagit PASS
i18n-messages PASS
import-linkorigs PASS
manpages-format PASS
defdistro-mirror PASS
mirror PASS
mirror-debnewgit PASS
mirror-private PASS
tagupl PASS
tagupl-baredebian PASS
tagupl-gbp PASS
tagupl-native PASS
test-list-uptodate PASS
trustingpolicy-replay PASS
absurd-gitapply PASS
badcommit-rewrite PASS
build-modes PASS
build-modes-long PASS
build-modes-source PASS
checkout PASS
clone-clogsigpipe PASS
debpolicy-dbretry PASS
debpolicy-newreject PASS
debpolicy-quilt-gbp PASS
debpolicy-taintrm PASS
defdistro-rpush PASS
defdistro-setup PASS
distropatches-reject PASS
dpkgsourceignores-correct PASS
drs-push-masterupdate PASS
drs-push-rejects PASS
dsd-divert PASS
fetch-localgitonly PASS
fetch-somegit-notlast PASS
forcesplit-linear PASS
forcesplit-overwrite PASS
gbp-orig PASS
gitconfig PASS
gitworktree PASS
import-dsc PASS
import-maintmangle PASS
import-native PASS
import-nonnative PASS
import-tarbomb PASS
inarchivecopy PASS
mismatches-contents PASS
mismatches-dscchanges PASS
multisuite PASS
orig-include-exclude PASS
orig-include-exclude-chkquery PASS
overwrite-chkclog PASS
overwrite-junk PASS
overwrite-splitbrains PASS
overwrite-version PASS
pbuilder PASS
protocol-compat PASS
push-buildproductsdir PASS
push-newpackage PASS
push-newrepeat PASS
push-nextdgit PASS
push-source PASS
push-source-with-changes PASS
quilt PASS
quilt-gbp PASS
quilt-gbp-build-modes PASS
quilt-include-binaries PASS
quilt-singlepatch PASS
quilt-splitbrains PASS
quilt-useremail PASS
rpush PASS
rpush-quilt PASS
rpush-source PASS
sourceonlypolicy PASS
tag-updates PASS
unrepresentable PASS
unrepresentable-single-dpkg PASS
unrepresentable-single-git PASS
version-opt PASS

The failure in "downstream-gitless" is resolved when using a proper proxy environment:

$ sudo autopkgtest dgit -U --apt-pocket=proposed=src:dgit --test-name=downstream-gitless --env "http_proxy=http://squid.internal:3128" --env "https_proxy=http://squid.internal:3128" --env "no_proxy=,,localhost,localdomain,novalocal,internal,archive.ubuntu.com,security.ubuntu.com,ddebs.ubuntu.com,ppa.launchpad.net,ports.ubuntu.com" -- lxd autopkgtest/ubuntu/lunar/arm64
autopkgtest [16:49:02]: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ summary
dpkgsourceignores-docs SKIP unknown restriction x-dgit-intree-only
defdistro-dsd-clone-drs SKIP unknown restriction x-dgit-git-only
dsd-clone-drs SKIP unknown restriction x-dgit-git-only
hint-testsuite-triggers SKIP unknown restriction hint-testsuite-triggers
build-modes-sbuild SKIP unknown restriction x-dgit-schroot-build
quilt-gbp-build-modes-sbuild SKIP unknown restriction x-dgit-schroot-build
sbuild-gitish SKIP unknown restriction x-dgit-schroot-build
i18n-po4a-uptodate SKIP unknown restriction x-dgit-git-only
package-build SKIP unknown restriction x-dgit-git-only
spelling SKIP unknown restriction x-dgit-git-only
downstream-gitless PASS

slyon/bilibop 2021-09-09 10:14:47 UTC
force-reset-test bilibop/0.6.3

Author: Lukas Märdian
Author Date: 2021-09-09 10:14:47 UTC

force-reset-test bilibop/0.6.3

regressed in release: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bilibop/+bug/1943121

slyon/netplan.io-armhf-lxd 2021-03-19 08:29:19 UTC
netplan.io: hint armhf tests, newly failing due to enabling LXD testing

Author: Lukas Märdian
Author Date: 2021-03-19 08:29:19 UTC

netplan.io: hint armhf tests, newly failing due to enabling LXD testing

slyon/389 2021-01-25 17:23:49 UTC
force-reset dogtag-pki/s390x (vs 389-ds-base)

Author: Lukas Märdian
Author Date: 2021-01-25 17:23:49 UTC

force-reset dogtag-pki/s390x (vs 389-ds-base)

slyon/etcd-flaky 2020-11-19 10:21:51 UTC
force-reset flaky etcd tests

Author: Lukas Märdian
Author Date: 2020-11-19 10:21:51 UTC

force-reset flaky etcd tests

15 of 5 results
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