
Created by Ugo and last modified
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bzr branch lp://staging/~shadowrobot/sr-visualization/stop_mvts
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Branch information

Shadow Robot
Shadow Robot Visualization tools

Recent revisions

24. By Ugo

added a stop all movements button

23. By Ugo

Added a small sleep in the grasp_controller plugin to make sure the library has had time to receive the first messages.

22. By Mark Addison <email address hidden>

Basic port of the old GUI plugin, nothing extra beyond what was needed to run
under rosgui.

21. By Mark Addison <email address hidden>

Copied the movement recorder from the old gui.

20. By hand <hand@hand>

Set a highed number of steps (10000 instead of 1000) to when running sr_movements from the Controller Tuner.

19. By Ugo

Modify change controllers plugin to allow activation of effort controller with PWM demand

18. By Ugo

better calibration and controller tuner plugins

17. By Ugo

amended teh .bzrignore

16. By Ugo

Added the new_gui plugins to sr_visualization.

15. By Ugo

cleaned the stack.xml

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
Stacked on:
This branch contains Public information 
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