
Created by Toni Oliver and last modified
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bzr branch lp://staging/~shadowrobot/sr-visualization/start_controllers_special_for_wuhu
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Shadow Robot
Shadow Robot Visualization tools

Recent revisions

21. By hand <hand@hand>

Modified Change controllers plugin to avoid problems with wuhu hand:
 - Deleted controllers of the absent fingers
 - All buttons start controllers in PWM mode

20. By hand <hand@hand>

Set a highed number of steps (10000 instead of 1000) to when running sr_movements from the Controller Tuner.

19. By Ugo

Modify change controllers plugin to allow activation of effort controller with PWM demand

18. By Ugo

better calibration and controller tuner plugins

17. By Ugo

amended teh .bzrignore

16. By Ugo

Added the new_gui plugins to sr_visualization.

15. By Ugo

cleaned the stack.xml

14. By Ugo

cleaner, using a typedef

13. By Ugo

creating smaller stacks for cleaner dependencies

12. By Ugo

the tree is populated in main_window instead of in the glwidget + we're using a custom class inheriting from QTreeWidgetItem to store the config for the things we want to plot

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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