
Created by Ugo and last modified
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Shadow Robot
sr ROS interface

Recent revisions

24. By Ugo

First step set to wait 5sec, then 2sec only in our dummy trajectory manager.

23. By Ugo

Very (very) slow trajectory in reactive_grasp.py to make sure the arm and hand have enough time to get to their targets. Always returning success to is_hand_occupied

22. By Ugo

Added cartesian and JointSplineTrajectoryController to the arm in gazebo.

21. By Ugo

coke can lighter, less slippery and fingertips less slippery in gazebo as well

20. By Ugo

spawning the can very close to the table to be able to respawn it under the hand if necessary

19. By Ugo

can.mesh had wrong orientation. now can is along z axis

18. By Ugo

correcting lifting direction for pickup action

17. By Toni Oliver Duran <toni@mallorca>

Some trivial changes in generate_poses.py

16. By Toni Oliver Duran <toni@mallorca>

Merged with generate_poses utility.
Remove conflicting tf from static transform.

15. By Ugo

the services for the tactiles are on /sr_tactile/ not /sr_tactile_v

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Branch format 7
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Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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