
Created by Ugo and last modified
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Shadow Robot

Recent revisions

330. By Ugo

modified mainpages / manifests / ... for cleaner doc

329. By Ugo

splitted the sr-ros-interface tree, created the denso stack

328. By Ugo

reorganising the code: started -> creating smaller stacks for cleaner dependencies

327. By Ugo

fixed the problem with the strain gauges format: they were stored as unsigned long long, but they're int16s.

326. By Ugo

A few small fixes to get the tests working and code compiling again. make test now works.

325. By Ugo

Left hand versions of hand model for rviz simulation.


Can run by starting the appropriate launch file with LEFT_HAND=1 env set, then rviz. Works for:

    $ LEFT_HAND=1 roslaunch sr_hand srh_motor.launch
 or $ LEFT_HAND=1 roslaunch sr_hand srh_muscle.launch
 or $ LEFT_HAND=1 roslaunch sr_hand sr_arm_motor.launch
 or $ LEFT_HAND=1 roslaunch sr_hand sr_arm_muscle.launch


 rosrun rviz rviz

Testing done:
* Visual look to see that the the model looks correct.
* Move all the joints using control gui (rosrun sr_control_gui sr_control_gui)
* Above 2 steps for right hand to make sure nothing broken there.

Not tested under gazebo. But looking at the gazebo sections in the XML I didn't see anything that looked like it needed mirroring for left handed versions of model.

324. By Mark Addison <mark@horus>

Fix bug, pcb_version is now a std::string. Previous version didn't compile.

323. By Ugo

Fixed deadlock

322. By Ugo

TSB demos added.

321. By Ugo

Added an example package containing a simple demo for the etherCAT hand, arm and Biotac tactiles.

Wrote a tutorial on how to create a new package to use our ROS interfaces: http://www.ros.org/wiki/sr_hand/Tutorials/Creating%20a%20package%20to%20interact%20with%20our%20robots

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Branch format 7
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Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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