
Created by Seth Forshee and last modified
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Seth Forshee

Recent revisions

13. By Seth Forshee

* debian/patches/nl80211-Do-not-indicate-scan-started-event-on-scan_f.patch:
  Fix for condition which can cause radio work items to get stuck.
  Cherry-picked from hostap git commit 1b5df9e.
* debian/patches/wpa_supplicant-Complete-radio-works-on-disable-event.patch:
  Fix problems when an interface is rfkill blocked during ongoing radio
  work. Cherry-picked from hostap git commit a6cff8b.
* debian/patches/wpa_supplicant-Fix-radio_remove_interface.patch: Ensure
  pending radio work is removed when an interface is removed from a radio.
  Cherry-picked from hostap git commit c46235a.

12. By Mathieu Trudel-Lapierre

* New upstream release (LP: #1099755)
* debian/get-orig-source: update for new git repository for the current
  hostap/wpasupplicant versions.
* Dropped patches due to being applied upstream and included in the current
  source tarball:
  - debian/patches/11_wpa_gui_ftbfs_gcc_4_7.patch
  - debian/patches/13_human_readable_signal.patch
  - debian/patches/git_deinit_p2p_context_on_mgmt_remove_ff1f9c8.patch
  - debian/patches/libnl3-includes.patch
* debian/patches/git_accept_client_cert_from_server.patch: revert the commit:
  "OpenSSL: Do not accept SSL Client certificate for server", which breaks
  many AAA servers that include both client and server EKUs. Cherry-picked
  from hostap git commit b62d5b5.

11. By Mathieu Trudel-Lapierre

deinitialize the P2P context when the management interface gets removed for
whatever reason, such as a suspend/resume cycle. (LP: #1210785)

10. By Mathieu Trudel-Lapierre

debian/config/wpasupplicant/linux: enable EAP-FAST (LP: #34982)

9. By Mathieu Trudel-Lapierre

* debian/config/wpasupplicant/linux:
  - Enable CONFIG_AP_MODE (AP mode support) (LP: #1209511).
  - Enable CONFIG_P2P (Wi-Fi Direct support).

8. By Logan Rosen

* Merge from Debian unstable. Remaining changes:
  - Enable CONFIG_IBSS_RSN, so that we can turn back on "secure" adhoc
    support in NetworkManager using IBSS RSN (WPA2).
  - debian/wpasupplicant.postinst, debian/hostapd.postinst: Only move
    sendsigs.omit.d/*.pid if the target isn't the same as the source (as is
    the case when /lib/init/rw is a symlink to /run)
  - debian/patches/dbus-activation-cmdline.patch: have wpasupplicant create
    a pid file in /run/sendsigs.omit.d when activated by DBus.
  - debian/patches/session-ticket.patch: disable the TLS Session Ticket
    extension to fix auth with 802.1x PEAP on some hardware.

7. By Mathieu Trudel-Lapierre

debian/patches/session-ticket.patch: disable the TLS Session Ticket
extension to fix auth with 802.1x PEAP on some hardware. (LP: #969343)

6. By Mathieu Trudel-Lapierre

Enable CONFIG_IBSS_RSN, so that we can turn back on "secure" adhoc support
in NetworkManager using IBSS RSN (WPA2). (LP: #1046918)

5. By Mathieu Trudel-Lapierre

debian/patches/fix_driver_wext_for_broadcom_wl.patch: Drop the patch, it
appears to break at least some scans with some Broadcom devices.
(LP: #994739)

4. By Pau Oliva

debian/patches/fix_driver_wext_for_broadcom_wl.patch: Add a workaround for
Broadcom wl driver's first failing scan (LP: #994739)

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