This is needed, it populates the autopilot object registry, used to match QML elements to custom proxy objects. It has a comment in the line before mentioning that. The # NOQA should take care of the flake8 error.
Needs fixing, because that last removed import will make the tests fail.
Awesome, thanks saviq.
A couple of things:
46+ main_window = \ select_ single( main_window_ emulator. QQuickView)
47+ unity_proxy.
This is correct, but people in python avoid the \ as much as possible. This is what they have recommended to me instead:
main_window = ( proxy.select_ single( main_window_ emulator. QQuickView) )
I think it's uglier, but I do it for consistency. I won't complaint if you prefer the \ here.
322+ self.select_ single( objectName= "processingIndi cator") \ wait_for( False)
323+ .visible.
This should be split after the parenthesis, like:
self.select_single( "processingIndi cator") .visible. wait_for(
processing_ indicator = self.select_ single( objectName= "processingIndi cator") indicator. visible. wait_for( False)
I prefer using two statements.
495-from unity8. shell.emulators import tutorial # NOQA
This is needed, it populates the autopilot object registry, used to match QML elements to custom proxy objects. It has a comment in the line before mentioning that. The # NOQA should take care of the flake8 error.
Needs fixing, because that last removed import will make the tests fail.