This prepares the way for the password to be changed
when connecting to the API instead of the state.
We also change bootstrap-state to change the machine
agent's password, so the bootstrap machine agent
won't *need* to change its password, and hence won't
need a connection to the at-that-time-nonexistent
API server.
Until agents are actually connecting to the API,
juju will be a tiny bit less secure, so I plan on
waiting until that's ready to land before landing this
Affected files:
A [revision details]
M cmd/juju/bootstrap_test.go
M cmd/jujud/agent.go
M cmd/jujud/agent_test.go
M cmd/jujud/bootstrap.go
M cmd/jujud/bootstrap_test.go
M cmd/jujud/machine_test.go
M cmd/jujud/unit_test.go
M environs/agent/agent.go
M environs/agent/agent_test.go
M environs/cloudinit/cloudinit.go
M environs/dummy/environs.go
M juju/testing/conn.go
Reviewers: mp+165675_ code.launchpad. net,
Please take a look.
cmd/jujud: do not change password
This prepares the way for the password to be changed
when connecting to the API instead of the state.
We also change bootstrap-state to change the machine time-nonexisten t
agent's password, so the bootstrap machine agent
won't *need* to change its password, and hence won't
need a connection to the at-that-
API server.
Until agents are actually connecting to the API,
juju will be a tiny bit less secure, so I plan on
waiting until that's ready to land before landing this
https:/ /code.launchpad .net/~rogpeppe/ juju-core/ 311-juju- bootstrap- state-change- password- 1.5/+merge/ 165675
(do not edit description out of merge proposal)
Please review this at https:/ /codereview. appspot. com/9738043/
Affected files: bootstrap_ test.go agent_test. go bootstrap. go bootstrap_ test.go machine_ test.go unit_test. go agent/agent. go agent/agent_ test.go cloudinit/ cloudinit. go dummy/environs. go conn.go
A [revision details]
M cmd/juju/
M cmd/jujud/agent.go
M cmd/jujud/
M cmd/jujud/
M cmd/jujud/
M cmd/jujud/
M cmd/jujud/
M environs/
M environs/
M environs/
M environs/
M juju/testing/