I'd say that it get's harder and harder to follow thru the logic here - it clearly calls for some refactoring, for example instead all the repeating "[ \`dpkg-query -W -f='\${Status}\n' python-software-properties 2>&1 | grep -i 'No packages found matching' | wc -l\` -gt 0 ]", there would rather be "function is_package_installed()".
But ok, you guys maintain that script, so it's up to whether to refactor it now. No problems android build system wise.
I'd say that it get's harder and harder to follow thru the logic here - it clearly calls for some refactoring, for example instead all the repeating "[ \`dpkg-query -W -f='\${Status}\n' python- software- properties 2>&1 | grep -i 'No packages found matching' | wc -l\` -gt 0 ]", there would rather be "function is_package_ installed( )".
But ok, you guys maintain that script, so it's up to whether to refactor it now. No problems android build system wise.