Ah, I misread the error output. It was unrelated to `nevow.test.test_url.Serialization.test_rfc1808` but instead occurred in `nevow.test.test_consolejstest.JSGenerationTestCase.test_generateTestScript`.
I'm now investigating if a js interpreter is needed, and how it is detected. I have node on my $PATH, but it was not detected...
Ah, I misread the error output. It was unrelated to `nevow. test.test_ url.Serializati on.test_ rfc1808` but instead occurred in `nevow. test.test_ consolejstest. JSGenerationTes tCase.test_ generateTestScr ipt`.
I'm now investigating if a js interpreter is needed, and how it is detected. I have node on my $PATH, but it was not detected...