- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp://staging/~mwhudson/livecd-rootfs/bug-1711735
Branch merges
- Ubuntu Core Development Team: Pending requested
Diff: 37 lines (+13/-6)2 files modifieddebian/changelog (+7/-0)
live-build/auto/build (+6/-6)
Related bugs
Bug #1711735: source.list for armhf includes trusty-security which does not exist for arm | Undecided | Fix Released |
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Branch information
Recent revisions
- 922. By Michael Hudson-Doyle
Fix security mirror sources.list entries for non-x86 architectures by
backporting trunk revision 1408. (LP: #1711735) - 919. By Mathieu Trudel-Lapierre
* Add ubuntu-cpc project (LP: #1693018)
* Move building of all architecture-specific CPC artifacts into Launchpad
- Fixup virtual FLAVOUR kernel name
* added additional CPC build targets:
- added manifest generation for squashfs and root.tar.gz
- added VMDK generation
- added OVA generation from VMDK's
- added generic Vagrant image generation
* Fix typo in ubuntu-cpc preventing non-intel builds.
* add devpts-live to hook builds
* add logic to settle the disks after UEFI builds
* extended hooks/functions to support creation of derivative images
* including mounting images.
* added the ability to create qcow2 images in hooks/functions
* simplified loop clean-up in hooks/functions
* removed assumption that disk1.img would be built
* switched qcow2 generation to use hooks/functions function
* Produce OVA files for i386 cloud builds.
* Remove unneeded packages from the root.tar.{gz,xz} cloud image targets
* Install grub in ppc64el cloud images so they are bootable
* Set timeout options so ppc64el cloud images don't display a grub boot
menu (matching the behaviour of other cloud images).
* Specify a regex to run-parts so that cloud image extra scripts are found
and executed.
* Refactor/reorder ubuntu-cpc support for consistency with other flavors,
so that subarch overrides can be applied correctly.
* fixed loop setup due to change of kpartx output
* only use grub-install logic for Intel architectures
* Refactor some non-idiomatic architecture handling in
live-build/ubuntu- cpc/hooks/ 999-cpc- fixes.chroot that also misidentifies
the architecture name for armhf.
* Add hooks to ubuntu-cpc to divert /bin/sync in the chroot and undivert it
at the end. This is a general-purpose change that should be applied to
all flavors and archs, but at the moment it's only needed on armhf+raspi2
to work around the raspberrypi2-firmware postinst calling sync, which is
actually warranted in the normal case.
* If a subarch is specified for a cloud image build, don't build rootfs
artifacts; these should come from the 'generic' build.
* Fix architecture handling in hooks. We know we're always being invoked
from a launchpad-buildd- like setup, which passes ARCH and SUBARCH in the
environment, because auto/config and auto/build both rely on this. So
don't scatter dpkg --print-architecture calls throughout, especially
when many of these are not cross-build-aware.
* Refactor ubuntu-cpc hooks to allow us to handle images where the root
partition should not be partition 1.
* ubuntu-cpc: fix hooks/032-disk-image. binary call to
create_empty_partition , which requires five args due to "-u"
* ubuntu-cpc: in hooks/030-root-tarball. binary create /lib/modules to fix
* Refactor ubuntu-cpc hooks to always produce a 'plain' rootfs via
live-build and reuse this for the tarball, instead of lb_binary_rootfs
creating some artifact that we ignore / throw away.
* Initial support for raspi2 subarch.
* Import live-build/ubuntu- cpc/hooks/ raspi2/ mkknlimg from
https://github. com/raspberrypi /linux/ blob/rpi- 4.1.y/scripts/ mkknlimg
and use it to install a bootable uboot.bin.
* live-build/ubuntu- cpc/hooks/ 999-cpc- fixes.chroot: Add fake_cloud_init
function to create a nocloud data source for cloud images that aren't
meant to be used on real clouds and use it by default on armhf+raspi2
* live-build/ubuntu- cpc/hooks/ 042-vagrant. binary: add serial device for
Vagrant images
* Refactor ubuntu-cpc hooks to hard-code producing an 'ext4' rootfs, which
is used outside of the livecd-rootfs build process (specifically for EC2
* live-build/ubuntu- cpc/hooks/ 042-vagrant. binary: scope serial device for
Virtualbox only.
* Enable building of powerpc cloud images.
* Fixes for vagrant box builder in ubuntu-cpc
- Install virtualbox-guest-utils
- Don't disable default synced folder
- Don't set vm name
- Add cloud-init config to manage /etc/hosts
* live-build/ubuntu- cpc/hooks/ 042-vagrant. binary: fix unmount handling
so that the teardown is done properly /before/ we try to make an
image from our filesystem, since otherwise /etc/resolv.conf is broken.
* Don't overwrite the default sources.list in cloud images.
* Replace sources.list generated using COMPONENTS with the sources.list from
an Ubuntu Server installation (i.e. with all components enabled, and all
deb-src lines commented).
* Fix the manifest generation in OVA files so that ovf files don't have
double extensions.
* Fix the OVF's metadata to include Ubuntu specific identifiers and
descriptions instead of the generic Linux ones.
* Add replace_grub_root_ with_label function thereby consolidating multiple
uses of the same calls to sed.
* ubuntu-cpc: Remove redundant copy of grub files.
* Add `apt-get update` to ubuntu-cpc ppc64el builds so they use the new
sources. - 916. By Steve Langasek
Rename old ubuntu-core tarballs to ubuntu-base, for consistency with
the changes already made to yakkety and the ubuntu-cdimage project.
LP: #1579950.
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
- Stacked on:
- lp://staging/livecd-rootfs