
Created by Mike McCracken and last modified
Get this branch:
bzr branch lp://staging/~mikemc/maas/packaging-fix-1346538
Only Mike McCracken can upload to this branch. If you are Mike McCracken please log in for upload directions.

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Branch information

Mike McCracken

Recent revisions

330. By Mike McCracken

add changelog

329. By Mike McCracken

ensure named.conf.options is cleaned of maas includes

328. By Andres Rodriguez

[r=andreserl][bug=][author=andreserl] Release beta7 bzr3267 as per released in Utopic

327. By Gavin Panella

[r=rvb,julian-edwards][bug=1380927][author=allenap] Force a delay and respawn of the cluster controller when the shared-secret has not yet been installed.

326. By Andres Rodriguez

* New Upstream Snapshot, Beta 6 bzr3245
* debian/maas-dhcp.postrm: Clean leftover configs.
  - Remove all references to the MAAS celery daemon and config
    files as we don't use it like that anymore

325. By Andres Rodriguez

    maas-dhcpv6-server to maas-dhcpd6.

324. By Andres Rodriguez

Manage cases where Cluster Controller is on a different place than the region and needs a shared secret

323. By Andres Rodriguez


322. By Andres Rodriguez

* debian/maas-cluster-controller.maas-clusterd.upstart:
  - Don't start-up the cluster controller unless a shared-secret has
    been installed.
* debian/maas-cluster-controller.maas-cluster-register.upstart: Drop.

321. By Andres Rodriguez

Correctly remove unused services file

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
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Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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