Michi, I've no luck running the updated diff_script, it's failing to do the job in different ways:
4006 + with open('/tmp/symbols.diff', 'a') as outfile:
this change seems to be problematic, I'm getting an error saying /tmp/symbols.diff doesn't exist on start. It proceeds if I create an empty file in tmp. But then it fails in later steps.
The line #94 of the script which prints the exception needs to use .decode(...) on the line, e.g.
Michi, I've no luck running the updated diff_script, it's failing to do the job in different ways:
4006 + with open('/ tmp/symbols. diff', 'a') as outfile:
this change seems to be problematic, I'm getting an error saying /tmp/symbols.diff doesn't exist on start. It proceeds if I create an empty file in tmp. But then it fails in later steps.
The line #94 of the script which prints the exception needs to use .decode(...) on the line, e.g.
"raise Exception('Cannot parse demangled line: ' + line.decode( 'utf8') )"
otherwise it fails with error about str + bytes concatenation.
After fixing that line, it fails with this:
vivid@vivid: /src/unity- scopes- api/build- area/unity- scopes- api-0.6. 15$ ./obj-x86_ 64-linux- gnu/tools/ symbol_ diff x86_64- linux-gnu/ tools/symbol_ diff", line 113, in <module> x86_64- linux-gnu/ tools/symbol_ diff", line 110, in run syms(old_ file, new_file) x86_64- linux-gnu/ tools/symbol_ diff", line 94, in compare_syms 'utf8') ) scopes. so.3 libunity-scopes3 #MINVER#
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./obj-
File "./obj-
File "./obj-
raise Exception('Cannot parse demangled line: ' + line.decode(
Exception: Cannot parse demangled line: libunity-