Code review comment for lp://staging/~lukasz-czyzykowski/rnr-server/preflight

Revision history for this message
Michael Nelson (michael.nelson) wrote :

Great stuff!

16:46 < lukasz> noodles,
16:46 < noodles> hah! Great timing :)
16:46 < lukasz> I know :)
16:48 < noodles> lukasz: **nice** MP - I love actually understanding exactly what the MP is about before looking at the code :)
16:48 * dsowen looks at the mp
16:48 < lukasz> noodles, taking an example from your MPs
16:50 < noodles> lukasz: how will we get preflight on the servers - have you already packaged it in our PPA? If so, should we update the debian requires?
16:50 < lukasz> noodles, also, since I've discovered bzr lp-propose-merge I can write them in emacs
16:51 < lukasz> noodles, yes, django-preflight is packaged
16:51 < lukasz> although only in daily ppa
16:51 < lukasz> I can copy a package to isd ppa right away
16:52 < lukasz> noodles, updated control file and pushed
16:56 < noodles> lukasz: great - thanks. I haven't run the tests or run it locally, but in the interest of speed, I'll trust you've done that and approve :)
16:56 < noodles> lukasz: the rnr-configs branch will need updating too right? (for the url)

review: Approve

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