
Code review comment for lp://staging/~kdub/mir/egl-sync-khr

Revision history for this message
Chris Halse Rogers (raof) wrote :

+TEST_F(EglSyncFence, raise_sets_sync_point)
+ Sequence seq;
+ EXPECT_CALL(mock_egl, eglGetCurrentDisplay());
+ EXPECT_CALL(mock_egl, eglCreateSyncKHR(mock_egl.fake_egl_display, EGL_SYNC_FENCE_KHR, nullptr))
+ .WillOnce(Return(fake_fence0));
+ EXPECT_CALL(mock_egl, eglDestroySyncKHR(mock_egl.fake_egl_display, fake_fence0))
+ .InSequence(seq); //destructor should call this

You don't need the Sequence here, as there's only one thing in the sequence?

Otherwise looks good.

review: Approve

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