Just one small adjustment: I don't think you should divide that content up into two separate portlets - it's really one block of content under the one heading?
The only time I've used two separate portlets in the main area so far is when I had two separate headings defining two separate blocks, like this:
Hi Julian,
Nice drive-by on the link!
Just one small adjustment: I don't think you should divide that content up into two separate portlets - it's really one block of content under the one heading?
The only time I've used two separate portlets in the main area so far is when I had two separate headings defining two separate blocks, like this:
http:// people. canonical. com/~michaeln/ archive- subscription- mechanical- 3-0/Screenshot- Access% 20to%20PPA% 20for%20Celso% 20Providelo% 20-%20Mozilla% 20Firefox. png
(note, the first portlet there was mistakenly class="portlet" rather than "top-portlet", hence the extra line).
So, ui/r=me with that change (merge the two portlets into one top-portlet).