Code review comment for lp://staging/~gl-az/percona-xtrabackup/2.1-bug1197644

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George Ormond Lorch III (gl-az) wrote :

Yeah, I thought about that yesterday after I submitted the MP and
remembered that my original test for this was doing something like that
for the exact same reason. I was hoping that you wouldn't get to the
review until I had a chance to kill that MP and rework it. The problem
is that this is using the xb_local functionality so it means that
instead of just including xb_local I will have to actually change this
to be a full test so that $TEST_VAR_ROOT is properly defined by the time
the script goes to use it. I'll fix this up today.

On 7/8/2013 11:10 PM, Alexey Kopytov wrote:
> Review: Needs Fixing
> Using global files (under /tmp) in tests is a bad idea, because 1) there may be a conflict with other concurrently running tests and 2) they won't be removed if the test fails.
> If you create them under $TEST_VAR_ROOT they will be unique for each test and will be automatically removed by the test suite if the test does not clean up itself.

George O. Lorch III
Software Engineer, Percona
+1-888-401-3401 x542 US/Arizona (GMT -7)
skype: george.ormond.lorch.iii

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