In src/platforms/mirserver/mirplacementstrategy.h + void sessionAboutToCreateSurface(const mir::scene::Session &session, QSize &surfaceGeometry); // requires Qt::BlockingQueuedConnection!!
That line is way too long.
In tests/modules/ApplicationManager/application_manager_test.cpp
+ QJSValue callback = jsEngine->evaluate("(function(surface) { var out = new Object(); out.height = 333; return out; })");
Here as well.
Looks good otherwise.
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In src/platforms/ mirserver/ mirplacementstr ategy.h reateSurface( const mir::scene::Session &session, QSize &surfaceGeometry); // requires Qt::BlockingQue uedConnection! !
+ void sessionAboutToC
That line is way too long.
In tests/modules/ ApplicationMana ger/application _manager_ test.cpp
+ QJSValue callback = jsEngine- >evaluate( "(function( surface) { var out = new Object(); out.height = 333; return out; })");
Here as well.
Looks good otherwise.