Code review comment for lp://staging/~gary/zc.buildout/support-system-python

Revision history for this message
Gary Poster (gary) wrote :

So, I have a, um, 1500+ line additional diff. This further breaks our review policies, which might mean we should think further about how to do these upstream-project reviews in the future. But meanwhile...

It was developed to prepare some previous bugfixes for upstream review by adding tests, and to address and give diagnostic tools for bug 407408 ( ).

This diff does the following:

- Add new option and tests: ``allowed-eggs-from-site-packages`` allows you
  to specify a glob-aware whitelist of project names that may come from
  site-packages. This defaults to '*', meaning there is no filtering.
- Add feature and test to let you see what eggs have been selected from
  site-packages: "Egg from site-packages: ..." in the output of
  ``bin/buildout -v``.
- Add new option and tests: ``include-site-packages-for-buildout`` allows
  you to control if site-packages are used for the bin/buildout script.
  This defaults to "false," which is a change in behavior! (Rationale is in
- Standardize on one of the several competing approaches for default options
  in the [buildout] section. This removes my previous use of setdefault,
  discussed with flacoste.
- Make generated script paths prettier by eliminating duplicate paths.
- Add comment about recipes using buildout options, not buildout attributes.
  Practice what I preach in zc.recipe.egg.
- Standardize on one approach for handling bool options in zc.recipe.egg. Not
  sure I like it but it is preexisting, and now it is consistent, and it
  behaves well in terms of letting buildout be configured before it looks too
  hard at it.
- Normalize function docstrings to begin at col 0
- Correct some typos

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