charm/charm.go:32: // a charm matching that URL.
// InferRepository returns a charm repository and URL inferred from the
// parameters. charmAlias may hold an exact charm URL, or an alias in a
// format supported by InferURL.
https:/ /codereview. appspot. com/6261058/ diff/1/ charm/charm. go
File charm/charm.go (right):
https:/ /codereview. appspot. com/6261058/ diff/1/ charm/charm. go#newcode32
charm/charm.go:32: // a charm matching that URL.
// InferRepository returns a charm repository and URL inferred from the
// parameters. charmAlias may hold an exact charm URL, or an alias in a
// format supported by InferURL.
https:/ /codereview. appspot. com/6261058/ diff/1/ charm/charm. go#newcode33
charm/charm.go:33: func Resolve(name, repoPath, defaultSeries string)
(repo Repository, curl *URL, err error) {
This is InferURL + repository. I suggest this signature:
func InferRepository (charmAlias, defaultSeries, localRepoPath string)
(repo Repository, curl *URL, err error)
(note the parameter ordering matching InferURL)
https:/ /codereview. appspot. com/6261058/ diff/1/ charm/charm. go#newcode41 y{repoPath}
charm/charm.go:41: repo = &LocalRepositor
Should we support the case where localRepoPath is ""? Not sure about how
the call site for this will look like.
https:/ /codereview. appspot. com/6261058/