Code review comment for lp://staging/~fwereade/juju-core/strawman-state-test-simplification

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Gustavo Niemeyer (niemeyer) wrote :
File state/conn_test.go (right):
state/conn_test.go:99: func (cs *ConnSuite) AddService(c *C, charmName
string) *state.Service {
I can easily see tests being copy & pasted and changing their meaning
wildly and silently depending on where the logic is pasted.

This should probably be AddService(c, charmName, serviceName), plus fail
the test if service name exists.
state/conn_test.go:122: cs.RemoveUnit(c, unit)
How often is that done/necessary in a test?
state/conn_test.go:154: err := unit.UnassignFromMachine()
Why do we have to unassign the principal? We should be able to remove a
unit without every unassigning it, right?

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