Merge lp://staging/~eeickmeyer/debian-cd/remove-size-limit into lp://staging/~ubuntu-cdimage/debian-cd/ubuntu

Proposed by Erich Eickmeyer
Status: Merged
Merged at revision: 2144
Proposed branch: lp://staging/~eeickmeyer/debian-cd/remove-size-limit
Merge into: lp://staging/~ubuntu-cdimage/debian-cd/ubuntu
Diff against target: 11 lines (+1/-1)
1 file modified (+1/-1)
To merge this branch: bzr merge lp://staging/~eeickmeyer/debian-cd/remove-size-limit
Reviewer Review Type Date Requested Status
Ubuntu CD Image Team Pending
Review via email:

Commit message

Remove ISO 9660 size limitation

Description of the change

This fixes the ISO 9660 file size limitation per the xorriso manpage. By default, xorisso enforces the 4096 MiB file size limitation of files on physical CDs. However, the Linux kernel has been capable of reading file sizes beyond this limitation for some time, and xorriso has no write limitation per its manpage.

It is of note that if file sizes exceed 4096 MiB of any particular image, that image may not be writable to physical media except for USB sticks.

The purpose of this is to help Ubuntu Studio get beyond the 4096MiB squashfs file size barrier on 20.04 LTS (Jammy). Ubuntu Studio does plan on telling its userbase that the .iso image can only be written to USB drives.

Anecdotally, I can say that I have had great success with squashfs file sizes exceeding 4096MiB for Kubuntu Focus, creating custom Kubuntu images to support their hardware. The squashfs file size has typically exceeded 4096MiB and there have been no issues with read or write using USB sticks.

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