state/api: Machine API needed by machiner
This introduces several new API calls, needed by the
worker/machiner to handle machines through the API:
* Life
* EnsureDead
* SetAgentAlive
* SetStatus
In the course of this some refactoring of the API
server was in order:
* Introduced presence.Pinger support
* Watchers and pingers are now both handled as resources
which have a Stop() method
* Added a couple of root-level permission checking calls:
- authOwner(), taking an entity with a Tag() method and returning
true if the authenticated user's tag matches the entity's tag
- authEnvironManager() returning true if the authenticated user
matches the environment manager (machine with JobManageEnviron)
Permission checks are performed to ensure only agents (or managers)
can access the new machine API calls.
Affected files:
A [revision details]
M state/api/apiclient.go
M state/api/params/params.go
M state/apiserver/api_test.go
M state/apiserver/apiserver.go
M state/apiserver/error.go
Reviewers: mp+164920_ code.launchpad. net,
Please take a look.
state/api: Machine API needed by machiner
This introduces several new API calls, needed by the
worker/machiner to handle machines through the API:
* Life
* EnsureDead
* SetAgentAlive
* SetStatus
In the course of this some refactoring of the API ger() returning true if the authenticated user
server was in order:
* Introduced presence.Pinger support
* Watchers and pingers are now both handled as resources
which have a Stop() method
* Added a couple of root-level permission checking calls:
- authOwner(), taking an entity with a Tag() method and returning
true if the authenticated user's tag matches the entity's tag
- authEnvironMana
matches the environment manager (machine with JobManageEnviron)
Permission checks are performed to ensure only agents (or managers)
can access the new machine API calls.
https:/ /code.launchpad .net/~dimitern/ juju-core/ 040-machine- api-calls- needed- by-machiner/ +merge/ 164920
(do not edit description out of merge proposal)
Please review this at https:/ /codereview. appspot. com/9614043/
Affected files: apiclient. go params/ params. go /api_test. go /apiserver. go /error. go
A [revision details]
M state/api/
M state/api/
M state/apiserver
M state/apiserver
M state/apiserver