Code review comment for lp://staging/~dimitern/juju-core/032-deuglify-logging-for-main-packages

Revision history for this message
Dimiter Naydenov (dimitern) wrote :

*** Submitted:

deuglify logging for main packages.

Removed "cmd/juju*: " badge from all commands.

Also remove the "JUJU:" prefix and the automatic
command prefix and name which was just repeating
what's already in the message itself.
So now, instead of:

ERROR JUJU:jujutest:blah jujutest blah command failed: BAM!
ERROR JUJU:juju:bootstrap juju bootstrap command failed: dummy.Bootstrap
is broken
INFO JUJU:test hello

We'll have just:
ERROR command failed: BAM!
INFO hello
ERROR command failed: dummy.Bootstrap is broken

The timestamp with format like 2013/04/12 09:59:16
is still there, before the message.

R=rog, dfc
File cmd/supercommand_test.go (right):
cmd/supercommand_test.go:112: c.Assert(bufferString(ctx.Stderr),
Matches, `^.* ERROR jujutest blah command failed: BAM!
On 2013/04/12 08:27:52, rog wrote:
> i wonder if "command" is necessary here.

> ERROR jujutest blah failed: BAM!

> would perhaps be better i think.

As agreed online, I'll leave just "ERROR command failed: BAM!"

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