- I initially suggested using a directory for each language to contain the generated files. In a conversation on IRC, Daniel mentioned that this presents an issue with CSS/JS relative imports' for the toolkit theme.
- On second thoughts, and if we cannot use the above, I'd suggest keeping the same filename for all files, but adding the language as a suffix, just as the Apache docs suggest to load translations [1]. That is:
- index.en-us.html
- index.de.html
- get-in-touch.en-us.html (*)
- get-in-touch.de.html
Looks good to me, thanks!
Just two comments:
- I initially suggested using a directory for each language to contain the generated files. In a conversation on IRC, Daniel mentioned that this presents an issue with CSS/JS relative imports' for the toolkit theme. touch.en- us.html (*) touch.de. html
- On second thoughts, and if we cannot use the above, I'd suggest keeping the same filename for all files, but adding the language as a suffix, just as the Apache docs suggest to load translations [1]. That is:
- index.en-us.html
- index.de.html
- get-in-
- get-in-
[1] http:// httpd.apache. org/docs/ 2.2/content- negotiation. html www.rfc- editor. org/rfc/ bcp/bcp47. txt
(*) Note the - vs. _ and lowercase. This is for converting gettext language codes to BCP-47 language codes, which are understood by the browser: http://