
Created by Данило Шеган and last modified
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Данило Шеган

Recent revisions

66. By Данило Шеган

Only remove the "cronpoll" on successful sync, retry on all exceptions.

65. By Chad Smith

Merge handle-connectionerror [f=1580301] [r=bogdana,danilo]

handle glanceclient.exc.CommunicationError on initial connection due to
service restarts

64. By Данило Шеган

Drop monkey-patching and switch to user-agent support provided by python-simplestreams (from a PPA, for now). [r=tealeg,bogdana]

63. By Данило Шеган

Set the product-streams endpoint based on object-store endpoint URLs to allow juju to find the images with deployments using either ceph or swift for object store.

This is based on https://code.launchpad.net/~lathiat/charms/trusty/glance-simplestreams-sync/trunk/+merge/290950 with a couple of fixes on top.

62. By Данило Шеган

Merge trunk to include the lockfile fix.

61. By Geoff Teale

Merged ~tealeg/trusty/glance-simplestreams-sync/work-with-multiple-rabbitMQs. [a=tealeg][r=ack,danilo]

60. By Данило Шеган

Wait for swift to become available before deciding to drop the per-minute cronjob doing the initial sync when use_swift is set in the charm configuration.

59. By Данило Шеган

Make glance-simplestreams-sync charm script retry when it hits python-requests exceptions (all derived from RequestException, like ConnectionError and HTTPError). [r=free,tribaal]

58. By Данило Шеган

Add user_agent option to the charm to pass in with all requests to cloud image servers.

Defaults to "glance-simplestreams-sync" to avoid requests being sent as "python-requests" (library in use), and allows overriding with whatever value Landscape might want.

57. By Edward Hope-Morley


Remove PPA installed by charm.
Closes-Bug: 1522929

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