Merge lp://staging/~dandrader/frame/missing_backend_funcs into lp://staging/frame

Proposed by Daniel d'Andrada
Status: Needs review
Proposed branch: lp://staging/~dandrader/frame/missing_backend_funcs
Merge into: lp://staging/frame
Diff against target: 240 lines (+116/-1)
9 files modified (+1/-1)
debian/changelog (+7/-0)
debian/libframe6.symbols (+4/-0)
include/oif/frame_backend.h (+30/-0)
src/frame.cpp (+23/-0)
src/frame.h (+1/-0)
src/libframe.ver (+7/-0)
src/touch.cpp (+12/-0)
test/regular/backend.cpp (+31/-0)
To merge this branch: bzr merge lp://staging/~dandrader/frame/missing_backend_funcs
Reviewer Review Type Date Requested Status
PS Jenkins bot (community) continuous-integration Needs Fixing
Open Input Framework Team Pending
Review via email:

Commit message

Add some missing functions to frame_backend.h

Namely frame_backend_frame_borrow_touch_by_index(),
frame_backend_touch_set_window_x() and frame_backend_touch_set_window_x().

The later two were added so that we can set the window coordinates independently.
We had only frame_backend_touch_set_window_pos(touch, x, y).

Description of the change

Add some missing functions to frame_backend.h

Namely frame_backend_frame_borrow_touch_by_index(), frame_backend_touch_set_window_x() and frame_backend_touch_set_window_x().

The later two were added so that we can set the window coordinates independently. We had only frame_backend_touch_set_window_pos(touch, x, y).

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120. By Daniel d'Andrada

Update debian/libframe6.symbols

Revision history for this message
PS Jenkins bot (ps-jenkins) wrote :
review: Needs Fixing (continuous-integration)

Unmerged revisions

120. By Daniel d'Andrada

Update debian/libframe6.symbols

119. By Daniel d'Andrada

Added frame_backend_frame_borrow_touch_by_index()

118. By Daniel d'Andrada

Added frame_backend_touch_set_window_x() and [...]_y()

So that we can set the window coordinates independently.
We had only frame_backend_touch_set_window_pos(touch, x, y), and it's not
uncommon for events out of /dev/event/input* to update only one coordinate
(i.e. only one coordinate between EV_SYNCs)

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